
前に書いたもの(UsingDbService - it4bio@localhost)だと、

$ sudo port -d install php5 +mysql5 +pear


nakazato@casper:/private/etc$ port -v variants php5
php5 has the variants:
apache: Add Apache 1 web server module
* conflicts with apache2 no_web
[+]apache2: Add Apache 2.2 web server module
* conflicts with apache no_web
debug: Enable debug support (useful to analyze a PHP-related core dump)
mssql: Obsolete; install php5-mssql port instead
mysql4: Obsolete; install php5-mysql port instead
mysql5: Obsolete; install php5-mysql port instead
mysqlnd: Obsolete; install php5-mysql port instead
pear: Add PEAR
postgresql82: Obsolete; install php5-postgresql port instead
postgresql83: Obsolete; install php5-postgresql port instead
universal: Build for multiple architectures


sudo pear install MDB2
sudo pear install MDB2_Driver_mysql
